Monday, March 10, 2008


..WTF? Well that is the name of our new troop. Today we combined troops. Due to car accidents, illnesses, and walkouts from the 5am & 6:30am troop; we all decided to combine classes. Class now begins at 6:30 am, even though I was getting use to 5am, 6:30am will allow me to stay out a little longer at night. Today's class was cool. We have more athletic members now. It is going to take me time to bond with this group. I am now co- Master at Arms. It is really hard to motivate people you don't care about, however hopefully I will change soon. Wild Child had made me late today, we are going to have to work something out because I will not be late due to the next or no team. We combined the names of the teams and came up with BOCAMPCLICK...I really don't like it, but I guess it is not that serious. Tomorrow we are at the track...I am so not looking forward to it. Please let it rain!

Shakara aka Lone Ranger

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