Friday, March 7, 2008

Crushin': Wynton Marsalis

There is something about a man from N'Awlins...and since Weezy F. isn't quite my type, I'm crushin' on the one and only Mr. Wynton Marsalis. I'm sitting here vibing off of I Got Lost In Her Arms...and I'm thinking, "Lord, if I die tonight, let me come back as a trumpet" lol.

Seriously, Mr. Marsalis has been described as one of the greatest jazz musicians of our generation, and I must say...I concur!



Southern_Lady said...

I'm in good company! I thought I was the only one who had a crush on him. Something about those musicians.

poetictess said...

Step aside girls I have the biggest crush on Wynton of all times, with the chills to back me up, also sweaty palms, dream like eyes, why just last night I was giveing him those looks at the Kennedy Center while he performed.