Wednesday, January 16, 2008


We are on a health kick! Jeniece suggested that we shouldn't eat ANY carbs and sugar for two weeks (including some vegetables and all fruits). This sounded like a great idea - a quick and easy way to loose weight and drop a few inches before we started True Control Fitness's Boot Camp.
Day 1: We were very busy with our photo shoot and didn't have time to even think about food - so for the most part it went smoothly.
Day 2: Jeniece and Shakara appeared not to be hungry or even phased about not having any carbs and sugar in the body. I on the other hand was going through withdrawal and on the verge of a breakdown. Needless to say I broke down last night. I realized that the whole no carb diet isn't for everyone; I personally think that "IT'S NOT NATURAL". So instead of doing absolutely no carbs I have made a few modifications, all the fruits and vegetables I want and low carbs! :)


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