Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tell 'Em How You

Out of the three Official Get'Em Girls, I'm the only one who still holds down a 9 to 5! Due to my work schedule I had to miss the last leg of the Durham/Charlotte book signing (I was devastated - this was the first book signing I missed)! I came back to NYC after the Baltimore Book Festival, so I missed the whole bed bug incident *wink*. The ladies told me about all about NABFEME and how much fun they had. My issue is that I open up today's Delicious Life Weekly - viewed the blog spot and Jeniece has a photo with Anthony Hamilton!! I have spoken to Jeneice a million times since she got back from Charlotte and she never mentioned that she spoke to or took a picture with Anthony. I LOVE ANTHONY HAMILTON! Anthony is one of the best singers we have around now; his albums are well arranged and his music is meaningful. You can walk by my place any given Saturday morning (that I'm in town) and hear Anthony Hamilton's harmonic voice blazing from my home. So I'm very, very disappointed that I didn't get a chance to meet Anthony....maybe next time :(


1 comment:

K.Morris said...

You guys are so funny! I've been watching the video clips and I love it. I like the way Joan responded about Jeniece's post - it just goes to show that you ladies are very real and down to earth.

Peace and Blessings,